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This small book (34 pages) describes the evolution of the greatest Holstein dairy herd in the world by Hudson resident Thomas Bassett Macaulay.
Liberally laced with old photos of the cattle, horses and employees who worked at the great farm located in Hudson Heights, Quebec between 1899 and 1942. The story covers not only information about the dairy herd but concentrates mainly on those who worked the farm itself; from T.B. Macaulay himself down to the great herdsman Mort Butchers and the farmhands themselves.
Interesting reading about what became the most famous dairy herd and farm in all of North America.
Book, including shipping in Canada - Can $17.95
Book, including shipping to the US - US $19.95
For International Orders please email webmaster@hudson-village.com
Copies of these books are available from the Historical Society Museum at 541 Main Road, Hudson, Quebec. It is open Sat & Sun 10 am -3 pm